Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kitchen Adventures

So, a few weeks ago I finally started to cook. I'm giving myself a generous learning curve, and although I might spare myself some embarrassment by leaving any and all cooking entries out of my blog, I still wanted to include this one, at the very least for my future entertainment.

I started off with scrambled eggs. Easy enough, right? Well, it's funny how after how many cooking shows I've watched just how quickly I forget the basics. I forgot to put butter in the pan before cracking my egg into it. Oops. No major crisis there...  Later on in the week I attempted to make a panini, which ended up being a sandwich with bread made soggy by olive oil. Times like this I really miss the mini George Foreman grills in the caf! And, finally on Thursday night I made myself dinner. Well, the roasted veggies came out good. As for the rice, I'm not even going to include a picture (although if requested by popular demand, I may be willing to change my mind). Let's just say this is the reaction I got when I showed people the picture I took: "I thought that was mashed potatoes." and "Is that cottage cheese?" Well, I'll just chalk it all up to a learning experience (and way too many parts water to rice)!

9/16: Baby potatoes and button mushrooms roasted with grilled seasoning
I made this combination quite a few times, and quickly learned about parboiling the potatoes first. My next recipe to try out? Pasta and sauce.

 9/27: Whole wheat pasta with Neopolitan sauce, ground chicken, roasted red peppers, and mozzarella cheese

9/28: Quesadillas with edaim cheese, roasted red peppers, and ground chicken

10/5: Chinese style fried rice with mixed vegetables and scrambled eggs

PS: I have been super, incredibly busy for the past few days, so I have not yet had time to put up entries about my birthday weekend. They are coming shortly, so stay tuned for those!


mM said...

awesome food, very tempting and its making me hungry...

Jenn said...

Thanks Mickey! I'll admit though that everything I cook is pretty simple so it's all easy to make.. comes out tasty though at least!