Sunday, November 7, 2010

Czech Currency - the koruna česká (Kč)

Interested about Czech currency?

The Czech koruna replaced the Czechoslovak koruna when it was introduced in 1993 after the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. 1 crown consists of 100 hellers (haléř), abbreviated as hal. Heller coins have not been in use as of September of 2008, but hellers are still incorporated into merchandise prices. The final price is always rounded off to the nearest crown value.

The exchange rate when we came here in late August was about 19 crowns to 1 USD. Lately this rate has been slipping, and it fluctuates between 16-17 crowns to $1 now!

Crowns in coins (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50)

And here are some bills...

 500 and 200 notes

100 bills

There is also the 5000, 2000, 1000 and 50 crown bills, but I don't have any of those in my possession, so you will just have to use your imagination (or you can go here) for those!


Unknown said...

The bit about rounding is exactly the same in DK. Interesting.

Jenn said...

That is interesting. I guess it's an European thing.