Thursday, September 23, 2010

Germany trip

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said I was trying to plan a trip to Germany? Well, it's finally here. I've refrained from posting the details on my blog, because well honestly... I didn't really know the details until a couple of days ago!

It really looked like the trip wasn't happening, and no exaggeration, but I was incredibly disappointed. We seemed to be out of all options... no hostels available, not sure about camping, couldn't find a night trip back on trains or buses, and flights were out of the question. Well, luckily, everything fell together at the last minute. I ended up canceling a Student Agency bus ticket, since they charged me for the WRONG day (I am never giving this organization my business, ever again), and I bought a train ticket from the Hlavni Nadrazi station in Prague. And, I have a place to stay!

I leave from Prague at 9 AM Friday morning and will return sometime Sunday night. Good-bye for the weekend Prague, and hello Munich!


Unknown said...

Have fun! When in Germany, do as the Germans ;-)
